Dissemination of the CIVIC project



Huertas-García, Á., Liz, H., Villar-Rodríguez, G., Martín, A., Huertas-Tato, J., & Camacho, D. (2022, July). AIDA-UPM at SemEval-2022 Task 5: Exploring Multimodal Late Information Fusion for Multimedia Automatic Misogyny Identification. In Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022) (pp. 771-779).

Martín, A., Huertas-Tato, J., Huertas-García, Á., Villar-Rodríguez, G., & Camacho, D. (2022). “FacTeR-Check: Semi-automated fact-checking through semantic similarity and natural language inference”. Knowledge-Based Systems, 109265.

Huertas-Tato, J., Martin, A., & Camacho, D. (2022). “BERTuit: Understanding Spanish language in Twitter through a native transformer”. arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.03465.

Huertas-García, Á., Martín, A., Huertas-Tato, J., & Camacho, D. (2022). “Exploring Dimensionality Reduction Techniques in Multilingual Transformers”. arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.08415.

Huertas-Tato, J., Martín, A., & Camacho, D. (2022). “SILT: Efficient transformer training for inter-lingual inference”. Expert Systems with Applications, 200, 116923.

Martín, A., & Camacho, D. (2022). “Recent advances on effective and efficient deep learning-based solutions”. Neural Computing and Applications, 1-6.

Villar-Rodríguez, G., Souto-Rico, M., & Martín, A. (2022). “Virality, only the tip of the iceberg: ways of spread and interaction around COVID-19 misinformation in Twitter”. Communication & Society, 239-256.

Huertas-Tato, J., Martín, A., Fierrez, J., & Camacho, D. (2022). “Fusing CNNs and statistical indicators to improve image classification”. Information Fusion, 79, 174-187.


A. Guamei, M. Al-Rakhami, M. Mehedi Hassan, V. Hugo C. de Alburquerque, D. Camacho. “An Effective Approach for Rumor Detection of Arabic Tweets Using eXtreme Gradient Boosting Method”. Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing. In Press, April 2021.

Huertas-García, Á., Martín, A., Huertas-Tato, J., & Camacho, D. (2021). “Profiling Hate Speech Spreaders on Twitter: Transformers and Mixed Pooling”. In CLEF 2021

Huertas-García, Á., Huertas-Tato, J., Martín, A., & Camacho, D. (2021). “CIVIC-UPM at CheckThat! 2021: integration of transformers in misinformation detection and topic classification. In CLEF 2021”

Villar-Rodríguez, G., Huertas-Tato, J., Martín, A. & Camacho, D. (2021). “A la desinformación le gusta la compañía: Representación de bulos de Twitter sobre la COVID-19 mediante embeddings”. In XIX Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence(pp. 523-528). 978-84-09-30514-8

Huertas-García, A., Martín, A., Huertas-Tato, J. & Camacho, D. (2021). “Evaluación de modelos multilingües pre-entrenados en similitud semántica para la lucha contra la desinformación”. In XIX Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence(pp. 523-528). 978-84-09-30514-8

Huertas-García, Á., Huertas-Tato, J., Martín, A., & Camacho, D. (2021, November). “Countering misinformation through semantic-aware multilingual models”. In International conference on intelligent data engineering and automated learning (pp. 312-323). Springer, Cham.

Journals, special issues and workshops

AI4CDIW: Special issue on Artificial Intelligence for Countering Disinformation and Information warfare

For the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2022 (IJCNN-SS-38) in the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2022)

I Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Disinformation (AIDisinfo 2021)

For the Conference of the Spanish Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA)

InfodemicsAIHC: Special Issue on Infodemics

Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (AIHC)

Conferences and keynotes

Álvaro Huertas introduces the concept of AI and its advances against misinformation to Agora's highschool students (Cáceres)

Ágora accepted #SpainAI initiative and hosted Huertas to share his knowledge obtained from projects like CIVIC to Ágora's pupils

Álvaro Huertas, part of the #ExtremaduraAI debut with a presentation about AI and its application against misinformation at Centro Joven in the council of Badajoz

The newspaper El Periódico de Extremadura picked up the event from #SpainAI, where Huertas shared his experience in projects such as CIVIC

Alejandro Martín participates at the IBERIFIER seminar "Can AI stop misinformation?" with more engineering experts in this field

Martín shared his background from CIVIC and other initiatives against misinformation to the public

Alejandro Martín presents CIVIC in the Kick-off meeting of the Iberian Media Research and Fact-Checking (IBERIFIER) in Pamplona

Martín describes how the CIVIC project works and how it can be integrated in the fact-checking process

David Camacho disseminates the problem of misinformation in the discussion "Post Truth to debate: Technology and Post Truth" at Universidad de Granada

Camacho describes CIVIC as part of the fight against this phenomenon, with a focus on the analysis of social networks

David Camacho warns of the information disorders in the Cyberspace at the LVIII monographic course of national defense (CEDESEN): cyberspace as a conflict space

Camacho explains the concept 'Cyberspace', the presence of information disorders inside it and how projects like CIVIC work to mitigate their effects

David Camacho introduces how AI is applied against misinformation at the 5th EAI International Conference on Advanced Hybrid Information Processing (EAI ADHIP 2021)

Camacho summarizes the CIVIC project as part of the presentation of how AI helps us counter information disorders, such as misinformation

David Camacho and Alejandro Martín disseminate CIVIC at the CHIST-ERA 2021 European Conference

Martín presents the the facts verification tools the group is developing

David Camacho explains how algorithms can detect dynamic communities on social networks at AISA'21 in Oujda

Social Network Analysis is one of the specializations of the CIVIC members to counter misinformation and other conflicts on social media

David Camacho presents the work "Dynamic Communities Finding based on Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms" at Cardiff University

The advances presented by Camacho at the Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics seminars are useful for studies on social networks about misinformation


Models released at the HuggingFace Hub

Models by AIDA-UPM trained for textual semantic similarity


Press releases and prizes

Álvaro Huertas, finalist in the contest of Talent Recruitment in Innovation in Madrid, due to his Master's thesis for CIVIC

Huertas' thesis about misinformation is recognized as one of the six best initiatives in the category 'More innovative project in new technologies'

Guillermo Villar, selected for the 35 under 35 List in CIDOB Future Leaders Forum, in his current role at CIVIC

The Second edition of the Forum includes 35 different voices under of 35 years or less because of their experience to discuss about Algorithmic Governance and AI

The app of CIVIC, among the six finalists in the Call for solutions 'Tech against Disinformation'

This call is an initiative of Digital Future Society in collaboration with CCMA, EFE Verifica, Newtral and Verificat

The member of CIVIC Álvaro Huertas, finalist in the Contest #HiloTesis, receives his diploma

All PhD students could participate by publishing a Twitter thread explaining their thesis. Huertas' thesis is about misinformation

CIVIC, one of the three selected projects by Fundación BBVA

News from Technical University of Madrid

Talks and debates

Álvaro Huertas participates at the VIII Bioinformatics Student Symposium

Huertas' work was selected to be presented in the event on October 18th and 19th

Universities and other entities working on CIVIC

Applied Intelligence and Data Analysis research group (AI+DA)

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Campus Sur

C/ Alan Turing, s/n (Carretera de Valencia, Km 7)

28031 Madrid, Spain
